Introduction to DevOps, advantages over traditional SDLC

Discover the power of DevOps in revolutionizing software development. With increased speed, collaboration, and agility, DevOps outshines traditional SDLC. Benefit from improved operational support, flexible teams, and a culture of innovation.

Introduction to DevOps, advantages over traditional SDLC

DevOps is a software development method that focuses on communication and collaboration among IT professionals, while the software development life cycle (SDLC) might seem a little bit outdated.

All technology product organizations want to ship their features to market in a matter of seconds.  The software development team wants to build things faster, but the platform team wants to deploy them faster. So, Customers and end-user can use it, and they can earn profit or solve problems.

what is DevOps?

DevOps is the combination of cultural philosophies, practices, and tools that increases an organization’s ability to deliver applications and services at high velocity. 

What is DevOps from AWS – The development and operation teams need to work together to deliver an accurate product faster. That's where DevOps practices and tools can help.

DevOps has become one of the most valuable business disciplines for enterprises and small businesses. The quality and speed of application delivery have improved to a great extent.

  1. "DevOps" is a combination of two words "development" and "operations".
  2. A culture that promotes collaboration between Development and Operations. Team to deploy code to production faster in an automated & repeatable way.
  3. It helps to increase an organization's speed to deliver applications and services.

What are the advantages of DevOps over traditional SDLC?

With the software development moving away from the traditional SDLC and towards a collaborative DevOps approach teams are benefiting from a more efficient process.

Here are a few the points that explain why DevOps is better than SDLC:

  1. Improved operational support and faster fixes. - Good processes across IT and teams, including automation.
  2. Increased team flexibility and agility.
  3. Happier, more engaged teams.
  4. Cross-skilling and self-improvement.
  5. Collaborative working.
  6. Respect from senior management.

This blog post is derived from a presentation "Introduction to DevOps". This lecture is more focused on a complete understanding of DevOps and it covers the following concerns:

  1. What were the problems that led to DevOps?
  2. When you should use DevOps?
  3. What are the common challenges when adapting DevOps?

If you are interested to learn more about DevOps, please take a look at the presentation "Introduction to DevOps"

DevOps demonstrates the collaborative working of the ‘Developers’ and ‘Operations’ teams. By building and producing applications and software in a quick and reliable manner. The teams can spend more time on innovation and new development, rather than fixing old issues.

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Hi! I am Safoor Safdar a Senior SRE. Read More. Don't hesitate to reach out! You can find me on Linkedin, or simply drop me an email at